Unity of Tucson is a spiritual community where all people are welcome, valued and celebrated. We offer a safe space where each individual can discover their own spiritual path and personal purpose.

Our teaching is in harmony with the tenets of the world’s great faith philosophies that teach love.

Our Sunday service begins at 10:00 AM each week.

You are also welcome to join us for ten minutes of guided meditation/centering every Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Unity of Tucson is located at:

3617 N Camino Blanco, Tucson, AZ 85718

Join in person or watch our celebration via our live stream:

Youth program meets in-person in the Angel Room (adjacent to Harmony Hall) at 10:00 each Sunday!

Don’t know where Angel Rooom is?
Ask a greeter when you arrive!

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.


Ongoing Services

Sunday Celebration

Sunday Meditation
9:30 am

In-Person or Online


Midweek Prayer Service

Every Wednesday at 12:30pm

In-person meeting in the Prayer Room

Join us for 20-30 minutes of prayer and contemplation.

Mindful Moment

Weekdays at 9:00 AM

Join Dr. Jonathan streaming live on Facebook, YouTube, or right here on our website as he offers thoughts on spiritual idea and guides us all in an affirmative prayer.



1st Saturday of the Month at 6:00 PM

Experience liberating dance, celebrating freedom and self-expression. Research-backed, this event encourages spontaneous movement for emotional expression. Embrace your wild side in a safe, supportive environment.


Let us pray on your behalf!

“Prayer is the most highly accelerated mind action known.” - Charles Fillmore

In Unity we teach the practice of Affirmative Prayer and encourage its use by all. If you are in need of prayer support please use the link below to submit a prayer request to our team. The act of making the submission is the first step of healing!

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